Care Guides > What is Nursing Care in a Care Home?

What is Nursing Care in a Care Home?

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Our care seekers regularly ask us about the difference between residential care homes and nursing care homes, and exactly what nursing care involves.

With this in mind, we’ve created an article explaining everything you need to know about nursing care in a care home, including what it is, who might need it, how to find a nursing care home in the UK and how to pay for nursing care.

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In this article:

  1. Receiving nursing care in a care home
  2. Who is nursing care for?
  3. How to find a nursing care home
  4. Paying for nursing care
  5. Nursing care at home

Receiving Nursing Care In a Care Home

Nursing care in a care home involves looking after residents’ health and wellbeing through medical tasks such as administering intravenous medication, wound care and monitoring vital signs. This care is available 24/7 and is delivered by registered nurses. It can also involve personal care such as bathing and dressing.

There will always be at least one of these nurses on call. Nurses also coordinate with other healthcare professionals to ensure comprehensive care for residents. A care plan will be created based, on individual needs.

Ultimately, nursing care in a care home is about maintaining residents’ health, addressing medical needs and creating a supportive environment.

The difference between nursing care and residential care in a care home

  • Staff and care provided - In a residential care home, carers usually provide personal care. Meanwhile, in a nursing home, registered nurses will be on hand 24/7 to also offer residents specialist nursing care. Nursing staff are trained to support the medical needs of residents, including administering intravenous medication, along with caring for people who are in the advanced stages of illnesses

  • Price - Due to the higher level of care provided and specialist services, staff and facilities needed, nursing homes are usually more expensive than residential care homes. Our internal data shows that the average weekly cost of nursing care in the UK is £1,196, while the average weekly cost of residential care is £972. If your loved one is assessed as requiring ongoing nursing care, they’ll likely be eligible for NHS-funded nursing care which will cover the nursing portion of their care costs

Some care homes offer a combination of nursing and residential care to meet the varying needs of residents.

Who Is Nursing Care For?

If you’re finding certain aspects of everyday life challenging and can no longer care for yourself without support from others, it may be time to move into a care home.

However, if you have additional medical needs that require care from a registered nurse, such as those caused by having a physical or mental health condition, a long-term illness or something similar, a nursing care home may be best suited to support your needs.

In some cases, you may be able to live in a residential care home to begin with, before moving into a nursing care home if your care needs increase and medical support is needed.

You may also need nursing care following a hospital stay or being diagnosed with a certain condition.

If you’re unsure about your care needs and whether you require nursing care, you can apply for a care needs assessment by social services. This free assessment will work out the care you require and advise you on the different places this care could be provided, such as in a nursing care home.

We’re here to help you find the right nursing care home for you or your loved one. You can request a free list of nursing care homes from our care experts, who will then share homes matching your budget and location. You can also search for a nursing care home through our easy-to-use directory.

How To Find a Nursing Care Home In the UK

The UK is packed with amazing nursing care homes, and we list some of the very best ones on our website!

You can navigate our list of nursing homes by location to find homes near you. You can also filter by your budget, care home size, facilities and any specialist care services required.

We offer highly-rated nursing homes throughout the UK, including:

When deciding on a nursing home, some of the things to consider include:

  • Is the home able to meet your loved one’s current needs, and will it be able to continue meeting your loved one’s needs if they increase in the future?
  • What facilities and activities are available to residents?
  • Is the home well-reviewed?
  • Is the home affordable?

To make this decision easier, we have an article explaining how to choose a care home. Our team of care experts are also on hand to help you and your loved one find the perfect nursing home. Get in touch today!

Paying For Nursing Care

The average cost of UK nursing care is £1,196 per week, or £5,183 a month, according to Lottie’s own internal data.

Whether you pay for your own care or receive assistance from your local council depends on the total value of your savings, income and assets.

Our financial assessment article explains the process of assessing your savings, income and assets, along with whether you’ll self-fund your care or qualify for local authority funding.

If you’re required to self-fund your care, other forms of income are available to help you, such as Attendance Allowance. This benefit is aimed at people who have reached the State Pension age and have extra care needs due to a disability or condition. Attendance Allowance pays £108.55 a week at the higher rate and £72.65 a week at the lower rate.

NHS continuing healthcare

NHS continuing healthcare is for people assessed as having a ‘primary health need’, meaning their care needs are greater than what a local authority can legally provide, so extra support is needed.

If eligible for NHS continuing healthcare, your care will be entirely arranged and paid for by the NHS.

Your eligibility will be determined through an assessment by your local integrated care board (ICB).

NHS-funded nursing care

If eligible for NHS-funded nursing care, the NHS will contribute towards your nursing care given by a registered nurse. However, it doesn’t cover other care home costs, such as food and accommodation.

In England, this is £235.88 a week for the standard rate and £324.50 a week for the higher rate. This money is paid directly to the nursing home.

NHS-funded nursing care is only aimed at people requiring nursing care in a nursing home.

Your eligibility for NHS-funded nursing care will usually be assessed at the same time as your eligibility for NHS continuing healthcare. You can’t claim both of these.

Nursing Care At Home

We’ve also partnered with some of the UK’s best home care providers, many of which offer nursing care at home.

Our partners offer a range of services, including;

  • Domiciliary care - For people who need support at certain times of day

  • Overnight care - For people who need a carer present during sleeping hours

  • Live-in care - For people who need round-the-clock support, so would benefit from a carer living with them

You can request a free home care shortlist through our home care services page. Just tell us what you or your loved one require, and we’ll send you a list of suitable home care providers nearby with carer availability.

Lottie matches care seekers with the best nursing care homes for their needs. You can also request a free care home shortlist from our care experts, who will share homes matching your budget and location.

Frequently Asked Questions

What’s the difference between nursing care and personal care?

Personal care refers to support that’s often of a personal nature, such as assistance with getting dressed and undressed, getting in and out of bed, washing and bathing. Meanwhile, nursing care is for people with medical care needs requiring the support of qualified nurses. People who receive nursing care may also require daily personal care.

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